Tuesday, September 4, 2012

When I was at my best

Out of my entire life, it is pretty hard to think of one instance when I was actually at my best entirely. A few single moments pop into my head of course, but the one that seems to make the most difference was from the periods of last January to around late March. This being the final semester of my senior year, much was going on and I had every reason to just relax and coast through my final days in high school.

Although it seemed very appealing to "just enjoy my final semester," I knew it wasn't going to benefit me any in the long run. Already being accepted into four colleges, maxing out on my financial aid, and numorous events with baseball and state track, scholarships seemed to be at the bottom of my list. At the same time I knew that not everyone had the same opportunities that I had been given, and I had better take full advantage while I still could.

In the end I ended up filling out 17 scholarships. As time-consuming and boring as they were, it was worth every second. I made it through those days obviously, and now I'm enjoying the benefits. I ended up with 7 scholarships awarded to me, two of which very unexpectidly. I was able to win the Christina Hixson Award from Isu, along with the Buick Achievers Award from the car company, between which is an estimated $23,000 in four years. To go along with that, I won another four scholarships through my high school, totaling them out to be $3,500. What seemed like a ton of work at the time, ended up being a very small amount of work for a large benefit. Today I can say that I am going to college for free, and because of that, it would have to be one of the times I was at my best.


  1. Its great see all of your hard work paid off! :) Congrats! Your story shows that anyone who wants to go to college, can work hard and go!

  2. Wow, Congratulations!! That would be one very nice thing to say that you could go to college for free. I bet all that time you spent filling out those scholarships you dont regret spending even if you had to give up going out. Hard work really does pay off!;)

  3. I liked the way you started off. It is really difficult to pinpoint a time when we were at our best because who knows what our best is. I also am going to school for free this year; isn't it fun to see the looks on people's faces when you tell them that?

  4. I know what you mean about scholarships seeming endless! I think my wrist was sore the whole month of March (all the local scholarships are due April 1 at my school). I really identified with your "single point" problem, too!

  5. Looks like you got to work! It will pay off like you said, and congrats on the achievements you made.
